Saturday, December 6, 2014


For some time now I have wanted to delve more deeply into a study of food and notch up my culinary skills in a very intentional way. When I told my husband that I had decided to make the time for this project as we enter 2015, he suggested I write a blog on my pursuits. I think he had some "Julie and Julia" notion in mind, which this is not. At first I balked at the idea; after all, I am not an exhibitionist. But then I realized that it could be a wonderful way to make a journal of my explorations and share those with anyone interested in similar pursuits.

And so, I set up this blog. Do you know how many blog titles with the words "food" or "culinary" have already been taken? I finally settled on "Culinary Debutant." Culinary refers to cooking, although I am likely to go to related areas of food, and debutant (not to be confused with debutante) refers to a person making an initial journey into an area. Although I've been cooking since childhood, the intentionality of study makes this project a new venture.

In this blog I intend to write about a variety of foods, techniques, and cuisines. Please bear with me as I learn to blog.